Electric Lights
Copyright (C) 1992 Software in Motion

A Shareware Game for Microsoft Windows   

                        R E G I S T R A T I O N  F O R M
Please return this form along with a check or money order for $15.00 (US)
made payable to:

        Software in Motion
        P.O. Box 896
        Melville, New York 11747

First Name:___________________________ Last Name:_____________________________

Street Address:_______________________________________________________________

City:__________________________ State:______________________ Country:_________

Zip Code (please include ZIP+4 number if possible):___________________________

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What floppy diskette size do you prefer to receive software on:
                5-1/4 _______ (high density 1.2mb)
                5-1/4 _______ (low density 360k)
                3-1/2 _______ (high density 1.44mb)
                3-1/2 _______ (low density 720k)


Where did you receive the Electric Lights program from?

Do you use any on-line computer services such as CompuServe
or GEnie? (if yes please list):

Do you have any suggestions for future versions of Electric Lights?

What other kinds of programs would you like to see for Windows? (please list):
